Who Are the Leaders in Your Organization?

Team Lead 210Finding a plethora of information on leadership is easy. The difficult part is that you can read about it, watch videos on it, study it, observe it and still not come away with a definitive definition of it. Further, a topic that often generates energetic discussions is whether a manager is a leader and the difference between the two. Have you ever been a party to one of these discussions?

Well, we’re not going to get into one now. When you read or study management and leadership, be mindful of what you read. For example, one source may suggest the differences between a leader and a manager is that a leader is honest and has integrity. Of course, the world has known plenty of immoral leaders as well. However, if your organizational culture is not one of honesty and integrity, go ahead and lock the doors now, because your business will not succeed. Do you knowingly hire people, at any level, who are dishonest or lack integrity?

The Same But Different

Management and leadership often have the same tasks and execute the same roles. Here is a brief look at a few.

  • Both may have projects, processes, and systems to manage
  • Both may or may not have a staff
  • Both must have the ability to have a vision
  • Both must establish goals
  • Neither manage people – both lead people if they have a staff. Remember, General George S. Patton’s quote: “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.”
  • Both must be honest and have integrity
  • Both must be accountable
  • Both must be willing to take responsibility
  • Both must understand and communicate with the people on their teams and beyond
  • Both are role models

Leadership Levels

Anyone can be a leader. One “famous” example is Greta Thunberg of Sweden. Whether you agree with her platform or not, at just 15 years of age, she began a protest that is now a movement with a worldwide following. There are young, old, experienced, inexperienced, quiet, loud, male, female, and leaders of any criteria you can name. Because someone has the title of manager doesn’t mean they are not a leader. Because someone has the title of executive doesn’t mean they are a leader.

One distinction in the debate of manager and leader may be in levels of responsibility. Most managers do not bear the load of responsibility of a typical executive. A typical executive does not bear the charge of a CEO. A typical CEO does not bear the burden of the leader of a large country. Leaders can emerge or shine at any level in an organization. The question is are you establishing a leadership mindset?

Leadership Mindset

Establishing this mindset in your brand is a good place to begin. If you want to attract people who are looking to grow into leadership roles, your brand must reflect that you provide the opportunity for them to grow within your organization. Lip service to this endeavor will kill your brand and your culture.

Hiring the right kind of leaders also begins at hiring. This means hiring people who have honesty and integrity. It is essential to use hiring tools to measure the knowledge skills and talents of candidates. In addition, every hire, needs to be a good corporate citizen. Measuring all these criteria using assessments with a scientific base, behavioral questioning, and thorough background checks lays the groundwork for both discovering leaders and leadership development.

Finally, it is necessary to provide the space and time as well as ensure that people understand they have permission to explore and experience leadership roles. Some of the best ways to do this is through committees, special projects, new product or service development, employee development programs, change initiatives, and other cross-functional collaborative efforts.

All these efforts help instill and build a leadership mindset throughout your organization. This nurtures accountability, helps people think beyond management, and this in turn helps supply your succession plan with a selection of leaders who are at the ready.

Thank you for readying this blog. If you would like more information on building a leadership mindset, Let's get started!

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Talent Management,, Leadership,, Managers,