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Wom with Speech Bubble 210Letters written in long hand have gone the way of the dinosaurs. In fact, we can say the same for letters in general. And this is especially true of the cover letter. Cover letters get a bad rap. Most job candidates fail to see the point in them, believe they serve no purpose or that they are not read by anyone at the other end of the void that is cyber space.

Some hiring managers and some recruiters may not read cover letters, but recruiters are not the ones hiring you. It would seem plausible that a recruiter would send all your paperwork to a hiring manager who might then read your cover letter.

Recently a client told me that it’s too difficult to write the letter because what he does is boring. Ok, if you what you do is so boring, then why are you doing it? However, putting on my patience hat, I carefully explained to the client that we’re not writing about tasks in any detail, but that we were writing about him and that he isn’t boring.

While it’s true that many cover letters are themselves, boring, some recruiters and hiring managers don’t read them. However, the cover letter can work in a candidate’s favor. Let’s look at when and why to use a cover letter.

In General: Run your career like a business. A good business engages in sales. Think of a cover letter as a sales letter. No self-respecting salesperson passes up an opportunity to provide additional, solid information on the products or services they are selling. In your case, that is you, the candidate. The cover letter provides you another opportunity to “sell” the hiring manager on additional reasons they should hire you.

The ATS System: Many ATS Systems have a spot for submitting a cover letter. If you don’t submit one, is the hiring manager thinking: Is this person too lazy to add more detail? Does this person really want this position? The cover letter can show you are serious about the position. Did the candidate overlook this slot? If the position description calls for someone who is detail oriented, OOPS!

Soft Skills: The cover letter provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your writing, communication, organization, and logical thinking skills. These are all valuable skills employers seek. Why would you pass up the opportunity to display yours?

Tie Breaker: If a hiring manager has two candidates of equal qualifications, if you also have a strong cover letter clearly illustrating what you bring to the table, who do you think has the edge and probably the job?  In addition, other than tailoring your resume to the position description, a cover letter is the next strongest tool for a hiring manager to give you at least a second look.

Additional Reasons:

  • Referral: If someone is referring you to this organization, especially if they work there, the cover letter provides the perfect opportunity to mention this.
  • Specific Person: When you are applying directly to someone in an organization. Not using a cover letter in this instance would be considered rude.
  • A Move: If you are moving to the area, this can explain a different address or city on a resume that has been sent ahead of time.
  • Career Change: The cover letter is the perfect place to discuss transferable skills for a different industry
  • By Request: Sometimes you will see a request for a cover letter. Not having one in this situation is a big mistake. There are times when a recruiter or hiring manager specifically requests that a cover letter not be sent. In this case, you would look foolish to include one.

In conclusion, if you are a person who likes facts, in researching this article, a recent study by ResumeGo of hiring managers and recruiters, suggests that

  • 82% of respondents indicate they do read cover letters.
  • 65% of respondents are “materialistically influenced” by cover letters
  • 53% of candidates who submit cover letters are more likely to obtain an interview after 30 days

There were other sources with strong leanings toward a cover letter and its positive influence on a hiring decision.

Finally, upon completing your cover letter, read it over and ask; “Would I buy this product?”

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Career Management,, Job Search, Cover Letters