7 Habits for Building a Better Career

Habits 210Our habits can make us or break us. Yet, as humans, we either pay little attention to them, or if we do change them, we often lapse back into our old habits. Just ask anyone who attempts New Year’s resolutions! We’re not completely to blame. Why is that? So, does that mean we’re off the hook? And how does any of this help us build a better career?

Got Business Acumen?

TN Acumen 210Got business acumen? What is business acumen? And what does business acumen have to do with building a better career?

This article discusses business acumen, what it is, and how it can help you build a better career.

Business acumen is the ability to see and take advantage of opportunities, understand, and communicate with every behavioral type at every level of your organization, solve problems, make good decisions, have discernment, and focus on the right priorities at the right time.

How to Find Meaningful Work

bcgd Meaningful WEB 210“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Henry David Thoreau. Mr. Thoreau’s quote applies to anyone who has no values, who values unimportant physical items or concepts, or people who may have values, but fail to honor them. Our values, affect every part of our lives, including work. For many of us it is not that we don’t have values, but that we don’t honor them in our work lives. This doesn’t mean that we are dishonest at work or are engaging in illegal activities, but that the work we do, does not manifest our values. Why is this and how can we make a change and build better careers around our values?

Protecting Your Career During Organizational Change

Greek Warrior WEB SMLAll too often when people are out of a job, they have no resources to invest in themselves. These resources include such activities as coaching, resume preparation, or even attending key networking events. This is true at every level of position, yes, even at the executive level. While some may have the money, there is a fear of letting go of it. What ever happened to the Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared.”  Being prepared in today’s increasing activity of mergers and acquisitions that can create career careening events would seem a smart move. How can you protect your career during such organizational changes?

Talk Like a Pirate in a Job Interview

Pirate 210Aaarrggghhh! Well blow me down, it’s National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Shiver me timbers, it’s September 19th and batten down the hatches because you don’t want to wind up in Davie Jones’ Locker! Ahhh for the love of jargon. Yes, every industry niche has its own language and to facilitate understanding, one must learn that language. However, effective communication goes even deeper.

Understanding another person’s communication style and adapting yours to theirs helps facilitate conversations, projects, and teamwork. This can be especially helpful on a job interview as it can put you in control and calm nerves. Pirates’ lives were no doubt rich with stores, as is yours. Along with understanding communication styles, stories are another tool to help you win at interviewing.

What’s the Connection Between Career Building and High Performing Teams?

Office Grp 210The title of this article asks the question about the connection between career building and high performing teams. Here’s the answer, in a word, everything. Some may think of building one’s career as an egotistical endeavor as in the old trifecta of power, prestige, and profit. However, career building is important for both the organization and employees. Here’s why.