How to Build a Career Path Program for Your Organization

career path ladder 210Building a better career is important to people who want to get ahead and create a better life for themselves and their families. Careers come in all shapes and sizes. Trades people have a career, administrative assistants have a career, real estate agents have a career, CPAs have a career and on and on. Electing not to get an MBA or a Ph.D., does not mean you do not have a career. You most certainly do. For organizations, creating career path programs is an important strategy regardless of the industry or the size of your organization. How can your company be career strategic?

Lunch with Friends

🥑 It had been a fun lunch with friends. We were all in our thirties speaking of life and work situations. Conversations about skills, experience, and expertise laced with humor filled the air. Confidence was high, fear and self-doubt were nowhere to be found.

🔑 Arriving home, putting my purse and keys on the kitchen table, I stood there and that’s when the epiphany hit me. You see, I didn’t contribute to the conversation, because all I had at the time was fear, self-doubt, a lack of self-confidence, and, in my mind, no expertise, experience or skills.