A New Way to Build Teams

Team Chaos 210To suggest that networking and career building is a new way to build teams may seem a bit odd. However, we stress collaboration to conduct projects. We want team members to share knowledge to help getting tasks completed. We encourage sharing expertise to train, mentor, and coach for our succession planning. When we talk about collaboration, sharing knowledge, and training, how are we to accomplish these without networking and career building?

Is The Great Resignation Really All THAT Great?

Quit Job 210The Great Resignation is becoming the bane of workplace existence. This is true not only for employers, but for employees as well. If you digest any reading, or listening material on the workplace, you will no doubt have an eye or ear full of information about The Great Resignation (TGR) and the wild numbers about how many people are leaving jobs, employers being unable to fill jobs, and the wild offers organizations are making to get people to come to work. Are the numbers really that high? Can we blame all this on Covid? Whether it can or cannot, what can we do?