The Importance of Self-Assessment

Self assessment 210We all have some level of self-knowledge. We know what we do and don’t like, we know who we do and don’t like and why. We know where we like to hang out. We may even have some knowledge of our skills, talents, attributes, and even how we like to use them for and in our life’s work. But is that knowledge enough? Does it go deep enough for us to be successful in business, career, and life?

Career Management,, self-improvement, self-assessment

Read more: The Importance of Self-Assessment

What’s Acumen Got to Do with It?

Acumen blog 210In Tina Turner’s hit: “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”, one of the lyrics suggest it’s just a sweet old-fashioned notion.  Acumen is anything but old fashioned. However, it is “sweet” from the standpoint of the power having it can bring both to individuals and organizations. According to Roget’s College Thesaurus, Synonyms for acumen are discernment, shrewdness, penetration, and intelligence. As a leader, having these traits are not only sweet, but valuable. They will prove valuable in your leadership, growing your organization, building your teams, and career. How does one acquire acumen and how do you drive it through your organization?

Business, Critical Thinking; Business,, acuemen, business acumen

Read more: What’s Acumen Got to Do with It?

How Clearing Blind Spots Can Create Better Vision

Blind Spot 210We all have them. We have blind spots about our behaviors, habits, work routines, leadership skills, and emotional biases. Of course, the problem with blind spots is that we are blind to them, and we fail to address our own weaknesses and rob ourselves of great vision for the future of our organizations, careers, and lives. Having better vision is a great goal, but what is the key to uncovering blind spots and unlocking the vision?

Critical Thinking; Business,, Blind Spots,, Self-assess

Read more: How Clearing Blind Spots Can Create Better Vision

4 Tips for Hiring a Better Job Fit

Best Fit 210Do you think you’ve hired a superstar and a dud shows up to work? How does this happen? Sometimes, you may ignore the information you have because the candidate assures you, they are a good fit for the job. Sometimes you fail to do all the upfront work necessary to ensure a good job fit and attract a superstar. Sometimes even candidates can be good “sales” people and you fall for the “hype.”  Sometimes you’re desperate to fill a position so you don’ have to do the job and you hire a warm body. How can your organization prevent these hiring faux pas and always hire the best fit for the job at hand?

Hiring,HR,, Top Performers

Read more: 4 Tips for Hiring a Better Job Fit

The Why and How of Coaching and Mentoring Programs

Coach Ment 210Life is like attending school every day. In other words, while living both our professional and personal lives, we learn continuously. Yes, there are extremes at both ends of the learning spectrum. There are those so busy learning new theories that they forget to learn the common sense lessons in life, like how to come in out of the rain. Then there are those who think they already know everything and refuse to learn anything new. As with everything, there needs to be balance. Businesses can create learning cultures with balance for both the employee and the organization. How and why do they do that?

Coaching,, Retention, Mentoring

Read more: The Why and How of Coaching and Mentoring Programs

5 Ways To Make Change Effective

bcgd Chanage at office 210Working with humans in coaching for development, getting unstuck, getting out of their own way, and other human pursuits, change is often a topic of conversation and activity. We are all different and most humans do not like change as being in a comfort zone comfort is the end of the journey for many of us. There are others who embrace change and even look for ways to create change if for no other reason than to do something different. How do these human elements fit into business change scenarios? In short, how can organizations make change more effective?

Change,, ChangeManagement, Organizational Change

Read more: 5 Ways To Make Change Effective

Why and How to Build a Career Path Program in Your Organization

Career Plan 210Businesses of all sizes provide some form of perks, benefits, or resources to their employees. The larger the organization, the more benefits, and perks. This is a tougher challenge for the small business owner. However, to compete, they must provide some attractive incentives.  If a company can afford expensive benefits and incentive packages, great. But there are benefits that are budget friendly, such as a career path program. Of course, while the benefit of a career path program is obvious for the employee, this begs the question, what is in building a career path for the company and how do you do it anyway?

Succession Planning,, Human Resources,, Employee Development, Career Development

Read more: Why and How to Build a Career Path Program in Your Organization