Building a Better Workplace with Behavioral Assessments

Assess Culture 210Operating a business is no piece of cake. When you begin adding people into the mix, business operations become even more complex. In short, as a business grows, so does business complexity. In any given recipe for success, any business owner, consultant, or human resources executive will always have people as an ingredient. Here is the sticky part, people are not only part of the problem, but they are also part of the solution. How can that be?

Assessments,, hirng,, #employeedevelopment

Read more: Building a Better Workplace with Behavioral Assessments

Get your Ducks in a Row – Organizational Alignment – Quack it up!

3 Ducks 210Get your ducks in a row! Get your stuff together! Shape up! Get organized! These phrases might be ringing in your ears from your parents, your boss, or significant other. But when you think about it, or maybe you don’t have to, these phrases are vague. First, you probably don’t even own any ducks. What stuff and what is stuff anyway? Shape up what? Organize what and where do I begin? In business we use the word alignment. A consultant may come in and say, “Mr. or Ms. CEO, you need to get this organization in alignment.” Again, we’re listening to vague direction. What is alignment, why do we need it, and how do you do it?

Employee Engagement,, Busness Growth,, Alifnment

Read more: Get your Ducks in a Row – Organizational Alignment – Quack it up!

Why Team Accountability is Important and 6 Ways to Keep It on Track

Train on Curve 210Most days you simply need to look at our politicians, no matter what party you support, to see what a team is not. A group of ego centric, I am the expert, opinionated, we want everything our way, it is us vs them people is not a team. It is a group of people who create chaos, are non-productive, are in a constant state of conflict, and reside in the state of stalemate. Where is the accountability?

Coaching,, Leadership,, Accountability

Read more: Why Team Accountability is Important and 6 Ways to Keep It on Track

Managing Talent for Performance, Productivity, and Profitability

Hiring Chaos 210All too often managers rush the hiring process just to get a warm body in a seat to reduce the workload on current talent. Then the fun begins. All too often when rushing the hiring process, the new hire turns out to be a poor fit for the position, a mismatch for your culture, or they have a bad attitude. Oh, and since one time saving trick was neglecting checking backgrounds you find the individual has a gift for exaggeration in the interview and on their resume and does not have the skills required to do the job. Failing to take time to administer an assessment, you now discover that that this person is missing some important attributes and they come in late, leave early, need to take time off right away for some “personal” events that need their attention more than the job. Wait, what do you mean you do not think this is fun? No fun indeed. What is the cure for this hiring dilemma?

Talent Management,, Hiring,HR,

Read more: Managing Talent for Performance, Productivity, and Profitability

What Do I/O Psychology, Foot Pedal Trash Cans, Refrigerator Door Shelves, and the Movie Cheaper by the Dozen Have in Common?

I O Psy 210Funny you should ask. The title topic links back to one person, Lillian Gilbreth, who earned the first Ph.D. in I/O Psychology. She was also an engineer whose consulting led GE to create the foot pedal trash can and put shelves in refrigerators. She and her husband had 12 children, two of whom wrote the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. So what does an I/O Psychologists do and why do you need one?

Business Growth, Talent Management,, I/O Psychology

Read more: What Do I/O Psychology, Foot Pedal Trash Cans, Refrigerator Door Shelves, and the Movie Cheaper by...

Good Teambuilding Builds Good Cultures Post Pandemic and Beyond

Good Team Good Culture 210When immigrants come to America, they often see opportunities, and many become extraordinarily successful entrepreneurs. Many Americans who grow up with these same opportunities fail to see them and therefore neglect taking advantage of them. One thing we do have in common is resistance to change. While an immigrant might find success, the idea of being on time, for example, is a difficult idea to change for some cultures. The changes dictated by the pandemic have given us all change challenges to wrestle. How will these changes, many of which are here to stay, affect our work culture and what changes do we need to embrace for success?

Engagement,, Talent Management,, Teambuilding,

Read more: Good Teambuilding Builds Good Cultures Post Pandemic and Beyond

Six Ways Leaders Can Prepare for Continuing Changes and Challenges

6 Ways to Plan 210jpgLeading is difficult enough in the best of times. Leading in chaotic times challenges even the most seasoned leaders. Now with a new year on the way, it’s time for planning. Some typical planning organizations engage in during these times involve strategic planning, establishing goals, addressing talent requirements, budgeting, and analyzing a plethora of other business needs. The one thing we know leaders can’t plan for is the perfect business scenario. So how do leaders plan in and for chaos?

Leadership,, Change Management; Business,, Planning, Chan

Read more: Six Ways Leaders Can Prepare for Continuing Changes and Challenges

7 Ways to Build a Better Team

Better Team 210Your favorite sports team takes the field, court, or ice. Team members are dressed in their respective team uniforms and colors, coaches are on the sidelines, referees are watching every move, the crowd supports their favorite, the sports casters call and analyze every play, and there are great rewards awaiting the winning team. What more could a team want? The better question is, does YOUR have all this?

Teams,, Teambuilding,, High Performing Teams

Read more: 7 Ways to Build a Better Team